Travel Time
Work Items travel between objects on the screen automatically. Their travel is animated so that you can see the movement of work around the system you are simulating, however the travel does not necessarily use up “simulation time”.
Some objects are always assumed to be immediately adjacent to the objects they feed. In this case you can still see work items move between the objects, however, simulation time is not used during this traveling (the clock freezes while the work item moves between the two objects).
Travel between objects by work items or resources takes up simulation time when items move from ACTIVITIES or START POINTS to QUEUES or END POINTS
The TRAVEL dialog lets you change the distance from an Activity to its destination. These distances are set up automatically when objects are placed on the screen using the parameters in the DISTANCE tab in Preferences.
To access the TRAVEL dialog open ROUTING-OUT from an Activity and highlight the destination for which you wish to update the travel time or alternatively right-click on a Route Arrow and select Route Arrow Properties.
If you set the travel time to zero then the two objects are directly linked (without any traveling time required between the objects).
You can switch off the automatic set-up of travel times (so all links take zero time) within the Distance tab of Preferences.