Results Export to V•I•S•A

V•I•S•A is our Multi Criteria Decision Analysis tool. See for more details.

You can use V•I•S•A with Simul8 to help you compare scenarios and decide the solution that will best fit with your company’s goals.

Export you results to V•I•S•A by:

  • Building your simulation
  • Add the KPIs you wish to evaluate to the KPI Summary
  • From the Trial Set up Dialog check “Add Results to V•I•S•A”
  • Run a trial

When the trial is completed V•I•S•A will automatically open. The decision tree in V.I.S.A shows the overall decision i.e. the best process scenario and the crtierias to be considered when making the decision. Each KPI is added as a criteria, each run or trial result as an alternative.

Once you have completed the ‘what if’ analysis, the next step is to weight the importance of each decision factor by dragging the sliding bars next to the decision tree (left to right for low to high importance).

Based on the results from Simul8 and the weighting of each factor V.I.S.A shows the best process scenario that aligns with your goals.