Simul8 for

Slash wait times, enhance patient care and win stakeholder buy-in for your process change ideas with powerful, intuitive simulation software.

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Simul8 any healthcare process - from patient flow to staff scheduling impact on wait times

Simul8 healthcare simulation software enables healthcare organizations to build stronger business cases for change. Common healthcare challenges that simulation can solve include:


Minimize bottlenecks. Maximize efficiency.

Simul8 allows you to visualize how healthcare facilities are used to highlight bottlenecks or capacity issues and test changes to maximize efficiency in your department.


Right people. Right Place. Right time.

Ensure the optimum number of staff are available - with the right mix of skills and the right equipment - to deliver the best quality care for your patients.


Optimize processes in supporting services.

Use Simul8 to optimize ancillary service processes such as emergency call centers, insurance claim processes, hospital valet car parking services and more.

Leading healthcare organizations trust Simul8 for rapid, confident process improvement

St Francis
Kaiser Permanente
Mt Sinai
Vidant Health
Boston Scientific
American Red Cross
Memorial Health System
Johns Hopkins
London Health Sciences
Shout It Now
University of Toronto
Scarborough Hospital
"Simul8 has been a valuable application for expanding our range and depth of analytical abilities. It should be considered an important tool in the design of every robust healthcare process improvement program."
Todd S. Roberts MBA
System Director of Operations Improvement, Memorial Health System

MHS ensures the feasibility of a $30m operating room expansion using Simul8.

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Case Studies

Find out how these Healthcare organizations used Simul8 to seriously improve processes, slash wait times and reduce costs


The UK NHS Isle of Wight used Simul8 to improve bed planning, helping identify an extra 17% increase in capacity.

Saint Anthony Hospital

Saint Anthony Hospital uses simulation technology to double its vaccination program as part of community outreach.

Johns Hopkins Medicine

John Hopkins Health System used Simul8 to slash patient wait times by 280% - from a lengthy 62 minutes down to just 16.


Changeology improved patient and staff experiences by using Simul8 to develop a bespoke method for scheduling appointments and optimizing resources.

Louisiana Department of Health

Louisiana Department of Health simulated post-storm patient air evacuations to hospitals in neighboring states, improving planning and saving 80+ hours of work.

Guy’s and St Thomas’ ACU

Guy’s and St Thomas’ ACU uses simulation with the aim to increase capacity and reduce waiting times, thereby enhancing service quality and clinical outcomes.

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Featured whitepaper

Airedale General Hospital reduced patient waiting times by over 50% using a digital twin simulation.

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healthcare whitepaper

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