Know the impact of strategic decisions
From workforce planning to supply chain management, Simul8 gives you greater confidence that long-term healthcare decisions will deliver on improved care, costs and efficiency.
Why is simulation used for strategic decision making in healthcare?
Simulation can be used for both strategic and operational decision making in healthcare organizations.
With simulation you can test a change in any part of the system, see the outcome, and support strategic decision making and the planning, financing and design of new models of care.
This allows you to ensure that you have evidence for change, know what resource is required and ensures you deliver on the triple aim of quality of care, cost and better health for populations.
Simulation software enables healthcare organizations to understand the impact of trends such as value-based payment programs, evolving patient insurance status, aging demographics, and clinical interventions.
Why use Simul8 for strategic planning?
Simul8 supports decision-making in many areas of strategic planning, from future service provision to spatial design, to managing risk and testing contingency plans.
Hospital planning, design and construction
When it comes to designing spaces and layouts for healthcare is difficult, there are many factors that need to be considered, including patient-specific factors, a highly structured regulatory environment, and continually evolving clinical practice patterns.
Simul8 enables you to truly see what's happening to patient and staff flow from a bird's eye view and gain a deeper understanding of how each component directly (and indirectly) affects another.
Healthcare supply chain management
Effectively managing a healthcare organization's supply and demand can significantly increase patient care while also reducing costs.
Simul8 allows you to reduce waste, avoid stock-outs, test the automation of manual processes and try different improvement ideas without impacting patient care.
Capacity and utilization management
Setting optimal utilization targets depends on a number of complex factors such as your market, your patients, and your goals.
Simul8 can be used to pinpoint the right target for your facility. With a simple simulation you can run many scenarios in order to understand the trade-off between total cost and the number of staff. These results can provide insight for how many staff you need, understanding what utilization targets should be and anticipating your annualized staffing costs.
Healthcare staff and workforce planning
Staff are the largest ongoing operational expense in healthcare and therefore it is vitally important that workforce planning is considered throughout healthcare processes.
Simul8 can be used at every stage of workforce planning to ensure that staff are available in the right numbers, with the right skill mix, values and behaviors to deliver high quality care for patients.

"Simul8 has been a valuable application for expanding our range and depth of analytical abilities. It should be considered an important tool in the design of every robust healthcare process improvement program."
System Director of Operations Improvement, Memorial Health System
MHS ensures the feasibility of a $30m operating room expansion using Simul8.
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