Clear Sheet Area

Clears a block of cells in a spread sheet.


  • Spread sheet[c,r] - Name of the spread sheets that needs to be partially cleared. Please enter the first cell to be cleared between the brackets [].
  • Columns - Enter the number of columns that need to be cleared from the starting position.
  • Rows - Enter the number of rows that need to be cleared from the starting position.


The Clear Sheet Area is designed to clear one particular part of a given spread sheet. When multiple parts within the same spread sheet need to be cleared, please use this command several times with the corresponding values.


Clear Sheet Area    ss_Example[2,2] ,  2 ,  3

This example will clear a part of the sheet named “ss_Example”. It will start from the cell at column 2, row 2 and will clear a block of cells of 2 columns wide and 3 rows high. In total six cells will be cleared.

See Also