Next Set Distribution Parameter Accepts Formula

Used preceding a Set Distribution command to indicate that a text string can be inserted as a Parameter in the distribution. This text string should contain a formula, and will be inserted into the parameter field of the distribution properties dialog.


None required.


This command is useful to insert a formula as a parameter value in a distribution. For example, a parameter of a distribution should be calculated as Var1*Var2. If a Set Distribution command is used to set this parameter and the parameter is entered as Var1*Var2, Simul8 will calculate the value of the formula Var1*Var2 and insert this value as the parameter of the distribution.

Using the Next Set Distribution Accepts Formula command allows the user to enter “Var1*Var2” (the “” are important) as the parameter, therefore forcing Simul8 to calculate this value at the time the distribution is sampled. (Note that if the distribution properties are consulted the formula Var1*Var2 will appear in the parameter field.

See Also