Routing Work Without Routing Arrows
For most simulations the routing arrows between simulation objects, along with the disciplines available in Routing Out and Routing In, control the flow of work around the simulation and determine the sequence of work at each Activity.
Using the routing arrows the emphasis is on the work and where it flows, typically taking a number of alternative routes through the simulation.
These can be enhanced by use of additional routing methods that look at the simulation in different ways. All the methods can be mixed in the same simulation.
Job Matrix
Using the Jobs Matrix the emphasis is still on the work flowing in the simulation but the Jobs Matrix can make it easier to handle situations where there are a large number of options about where work can flow, including multiple repeat passes through the same Activities or many ways of performing the same task on an item of work.
More information on the Jobs Matrix
Cycle Matrix
Use the Cycle Matrix when the emphasis is not on the flow of work, but rather the sequence of steps taken at an Activity. For example if you think about work in terms of an Activity doing a series of tasks like :
- Wait for base plate
- Pick up and fit first sub assembly
- Pick up and fit second sub assembly
- Place complete assemble in out basket
then use the Cycle Matrix.
More information on the Cycle Matrix
Visual Logic
Visual Logic is often used with the basic routing arrow methodology (when Label values control routing) but sometimes Visual Logic is used to take over all routing but not using routing arrows and simply using Visual Logic to move work between Queues to control what work can take place in the simulation. This is the most advanced, but also the most time consuming way to create simulations (it is the way all simulations used to be coded before simulation software was widely available).