Finance Settings

Simul8 Finance features use the simulation you have already built to calculate the costs and revenues that will come from the operation you are proposing - it shows you how much more profit your ideas will make for your organization. It shows you the bottom line directly on the screen - and then changes made to the logistics of the simulation are directly reflected in new bottom line figures. You can control these settings via the Finance Settings button on the Build tab.

Simul8 Finance Settings Dialog

The Currency can be changed to the most suitable option. This can be a symbol such as $ for the US Dollar or a combination of up to three letters, for example A$ for Australian Dollars. Note, this can also be changed in the Preferences.

A Financial Goal can be added here in the text box, this adds the text within this box to the Financial Report which can aid stakeholders with their contextual understanding of the report.

Below this, the Financial Priority can be selected, which determines the calculation for the on-screen KPI Tiles and pie charts in the Financial Report. Note, the wording on the KPI Tiles and the Measures section in the Finance settings will change depending on the priority selected. The onscreen KPI Tiles can also be enabled by selecting the relevant tick boxes in the Finance section of the Build tab, as in the image below. These are also found in the Financial Report available in the Report section of the Home tab.

Simul8 Finance KPI Tiles

Lastly Overhead Costs and Revenue can be included in this dialog, which can be used to capture any costs not captured in simulation Objects.

See Also