Warm Up Period

The warm up time is the time that the simulation will run before starting to collect results. This allows the Queues (and other aspects in the simulation) to get into conditions that are typical of normal running conditions in the system you are simulating.

Set the Warm-Up Period by clicking on Warm Up on the Build tab

The Warm-Up Period can be excluded from the Clock Display if required.

In the Warm-Up Period dialog box untick the “Include in Displayed Clock Time” checkbox. The clock will run until the end of the Warm-Up Period and then reset to the start time of the clock.

Sometimes you do not need a warm up time. An example of such a situation would be when you are simulating a shop that starts and ends the day empty. A warm up time would be required when simulating a week in a factory, when the factory starts on Monday morning in the exact same state as it finished on Friday evening.

You can sometimes reduce the length of warm up time required by “priming” your simulation with some Work Items in Queues around the simulation. See Queues, initial contents.

See Also