BPMN Activity
An Activity is a place where work takes place on Work Items.
Work done at Activities usually takes up time and sometimes requires the availability of Resources. At an Activity, a Work Item may be transformed in some way. After the work is done the Work Item should be sent on to another step in the process.
To create an Activity click the Activity button on Drawing Simulation Objects Panel and then click were you want the Activity on the simulation window.
Connect it to other objects using routing arrows.
To move an Activity: drag it on the simulation window. To copy an Activity: drag it with the CTRL key on the keyboard held down.
Activity Properties
To inspect or change the Activity's parameters select it and it's contextual ribbon tab will open. Alternatively double click on the Activity on the simulation window, this will open the Activity Dialog box.
- Type - The BPMN sub type for this object
- Timing - The average time it will take this Activity to process one Work Item
- Priority - Say which Activity has priority for free Resources
- Finance - Add costing information to be able to calculate cost impact of your process
- Results - After the simulation run, see how your Activity performed
- Step contents - Creates a chart that shows you the contents of the step over time during the simulation run
- Queue contents - Creates a chart that shows you the contents of the Queue for the step over time during the simulation run
- Queuing time - Creates a bar chart that shows the distribution of the time work spent queuing for the step before it could be processed